
I so don't know.

Monday, September 30

There's a mistake that's really easy to make, and I'll tell you why before I tell you what it is.
Anne Rice's fans are weirdos. I mean this in the nicest possible way. They're distinctly not the norm, as far as socialization; not as bad as gamers, but I don't want to talk about them.
Or maybe I do. Gamers have a proclivity toward being antisocial, and unable to communicate needs or conserns without making them complaints and whining (I know. I do it myself, although I'm conscious of it so I try not to do it so often.)
And here's the thing: Anne Rice is pretty much the same kind of weirdo as her fans. It's a thing. I suppose she writes for herself, so her fans like what she writes too.
Game writers are cut from much the same cloth as their gamer counterparts. Again, just a thing.
So it's easy to judge a writer by that writer's fans. That doesn't mean the judgements are necessarily correct, but they do come easily.
So I was surprised when I actually read the work of Sark. The book is a good thing, filled with interesting and useful tidbits like "don't rush to relax," and "don't assume that other people are relaxed because they move slowly, and that you won't be able to relax just by using what works for other people." Huh. Stuff, right?
Her fans, though, the ones I've met, have so far been useless.
I'm just sayin' is all.

Actually, in the original version of that post, the one in my head, I used Stephen King as the second example, and that his fans seem, as he does, to be really normal people with a twisted bent.


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